
Ending IGN's monopoly, one play at a time


Methods to contact us including form. The fastest way to contact us for support is by using our Discord server.

If you want to contact us there are several ways to do this depending on what you are interested in, please see below:

Just for fun, etc
You can get in contact with us for fun, compliments, or whatever by joining out Discord server.
Report abuse
If someone is causing problems on the service, forums, chat, or else where, please inform us about it with all evidence and information you can at the report page.
Be sure to read the FAQ page and also articles on the help page. Support is often far faster on our Discord server.

Contact Form

Use this form for all other inquiries not mentioned above. Please don't contact us about sales deals, SEO, or trying to sell us anything else, we really don't care.

Confirm Humanity